23655 South Dixie Highway
Princeton, Fl 33032
(305) 258 0680
Monday - Saturday
8.30AM - 5:45PM
9:00 -3:00PM
22745 South Dixie Highway
Miami Florida 33170
(305) 258 1122
8:30 - 5:30PM
Batteries, Nitrogen Rims, High Speed Balance, Plugs , Patch, & more
New Tires Starting $65.00
Used starting $30.00
Free Balance and Installation
Make a combo 4 New Tires and Rims.
New And Used Tires for Pick up Truck
Tires Rotation- Rims and MORE....
305-258 1122
305-258 0680
305-258 9099
Air Pressure.
Reading Tire Size.
Tire Pressure Monitoring.
Tire &Wheel Plus Sizing.
Tire Rotation.
and more.
ask about our great variety of wheel
22405 South Dixie Highway
Miami Florida 33170
(305) 258 9099
* Free balance and installation only on tires, rim sold on South Dixie Tires, co.
*Fee for waste tires is charged.
Tax not Included.